Space dashboard



Blue Origin





ULA (Lockheed Martin and Boeing)

A to Z

ABL Space Systems

Advances Space

Aegis Aerospace

  • Aegis
  • RAC platform (Moon, payload)

Aeorospace Corp.

  • Aeorospace
  • DiskSat (replaces CubeSat), ESA engine, US Patent, NET 2025. SpaceForce.


  • Aerospacelab (satellites, Belgium)



  • AMCM
  • Tripteron rocket engine

Arts Technica

Astrobotics Technology

Axiom Space

  • Axiom Space
  • First commercial spacestation
  • Docking ISS (2025). Later separate station
  • No own launch vehicle, Crew Dragon
  • Space suits
  • Human oriented, training astronauts
  • Axiom-2 (Ax-2, ax2, May 2023)
  • NYX (cargo vessel by EC and Axiom for Axiom space station)

China (China National Space Administration)

  • Galactic Energy (hopper)
  • Launch and landing sites
      • Dongfeng (landing site)
      • Jiuquan (launch center, Gobi)
      • Lop Nur (military base, Xinjiang)
      • Tai Rui (landing site, barge Yellow Sea)
  • Mars
      • Tianhe (on Mars)
      • Tianwen 1 (Mars orbiter)
      • Zhurong (Mars rover, communication lost)
  • Moon
      • Chang’e 3 Rover front side (2013)
      • Chang’e 4 Rover Back side (2019)
      • Chang’e 5 Sample return front side (2020)
      • Chang’e 6 Sample return back side (2024, southpole, Aitken basin)
      • International Lunar Research Station Cooperation Organization (ILRSCO)
      • ILRS Moon base
  •  Rockets
      • Deep Blue Aerospace (hopper)
      • Falcon Heavy Clone (expected)
      • Gravity 1 (OrientSpace, private company, 2024, solid fuel, 4 boosters, all solid)
      • Gravity 2 (OrientSpace)
      • Gravity 3 (OrientSpace)
      • Jielong 3 (Smart Dragon, SD 3, solid fuel)
      • Kinetica 1 (solid fuel)
      • Long March LM 2F
      • Long March LM 5 (heavy)
      • Long March LM 5B
      • Long March LM 5G
      • Long March LM 6
      • Long March LM 6A
      • Long March LM 7A
      • Long March LM 7B
      • Long March LM 8
      • Long March LM 9 (heavy)
      • Long March LM 10 (new, ship and lunar lander seperate in space, Moon, 2029)
      • Long March LM 11
      • Shenzhou (crewed spacecraft)
      • Tianwen 1 (Mars rocket)
      • Tianwen-3 (Mars sample return mission, 2030)
      • Tianzhou (cargo ship for TG 1)
      • ZhuQue 2 rocket (LandSpace, private company, first methane-fueled rocket in orbit, LOX, 2023)
      • ZhuQue 3 hopper (OrientSpace, Methane and Lox)
  • Space plane (reusable mini shuttle, made by CASC)
  • Space stations
    • Tiangong (TG 1, space station CSS)
    • Tiangong (TG 2, space station CSS)
    • Tianhe (basic module CSS)
    • Wengian (research module CSS)
    • Mentian (research module CSS)

ClearSpace (debris, Europe)

Collins Aerospace




Emirates (UAE Space Agency)

Exploration Company (EC, Europe)

Exotrail (Service company, Europe)


  • Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR)

Firefly Aerospace

  • Firefly 
  • Alpha (rocket, 22-12-2023 launch FLTA004. Upper stage malfunction, puts payload into wrong orbit). A software glitch prevented the upper stage of Firefly Aerospace’s Alpha rocket from completing a second burn during a December launch, stranding its payload in a low orbit.
  • Antares 330 (MLV Medium Launch Vehicle)
  • Victus Nox mission (responsive space demonstration)
  • Blue Ghost (lunar lander)
  • Space Utility Vehicle (SUV)
  • Vandenberg Space Force Base, SLC-2

Howe Industries



  • Elera (low signal telecom like Starlink)


Intuitive Machines

Isis Space


Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)

  • KARI
  • Kompsat-6 Earth observation satellite (2024)


  • Launcher (rockets for small satellites)
  • SpaceX Rideshare

LIGO Caltech (Interferometer gravitational waves observatory)

Live (biology)

Lockheed Martin

NANOGrav (gravitational waves)

Northrop Grumman (NG)

Relativity Space

Rocket Lab

Satellite tracking

  • (real time satellite orbit tracking and prediction) 

Sierra Space

Space Cargo Unlimited

Spaceport Company

Stoke Space

Stratolaunch systems

  • Talon A (hypersonic flight vehicle)
  • Buys Virgin Orbit plane

Varda Space Industries (designs, builds and operates spacecraft that manufacture materials in microgravity)

VAST (space habitation, in cooperation with SpaceX)

  • VAST
  • Haven-1 (first commercial crewed space station)
  • Rotation to simulate gravity,

Virgin Galactic

Virgin Orbit (2023 bankrupt)

Voyager Space

  • Voyager Space (US)
  • Starlab (with Airbus EU, soft cover, commercial)
  • Starlab Space Station (SSS). In one launch SpaceX Starship.
  • Partner of NewSpace India Limited (NSIL of ISRO)



Spaceports (sorted by latitude north-south)

Ports, space port, spaceport, launch facility, launch facilities, space center, landing facilities, pad, pads

Space dashboard
Space dashboard
Blue Origin
Blue Origin
SpaceX logo

Keywords: Artemis I, Artemis II, Artemis III, Artemis1, Artemis2, Artemis3, Artemis-1, Artemis-2, Artemis-3, Artemis-I, Artemis-II, Artemis-III, space travel, ruimtevaart, lancering, aerospace dashboard, space dashboard